Monday, June 4, 2007

Robben Island

After the defeat of apartheid, the last political prisoners were released from robben island in 1991. In 1996 Robben Island was declared a national monument and a national museum.
In 1997, robben island was opened to the public and was declared a world heritage site.

Main gate....
African Penguins
Robben island.....

nou perdi dans bruyard.......

Departure from waterfront ...... direction ROBBEN ISLAND .....

Robben Island is known as a place of banishment, exile, isolation and imprisonment.
For nearly 400 years colonial and apartheid rulers banished those they regarded as political toublemakers, social outcasts and the unwanted of society to this rocky 575 hectare outcrop in Table Bay.


Unknown said...

Robben island, sa meme kot banla in enferme mandela ??? Pa gagne droit tire foto labas??

Jerry Liu said...

zot bisin cash...